1: You are playing 8 ball and the puzzle is to pocket the 9 and get in position on the 8 to win. What do you do?
In the first shot you cut the 9 ball into the right face of the side pocket with left spin and a soft rolling cue ball! The 9 ball bounces off the face of the pocket and double kisses the cue ball. The left spin takes off the top long rail and drifts the cue ball down for a makable shot on the 8.
2. What do you do with the 1 ball in a game of 9 ball? There is a good safe here perhaps, but can you make the 1 ball and get a shot at the 2?
For shot number two, we can make the 1 ball by using a hard stroke and maximum draw. The secret is to hit the 1 ball as thin as possible on the right side. As long as there is no double kiss, you can push the 1 ball forward of the stun line more than you would think. Play with this shot as it comes up in many different situations.
3. Do you have a makeable shot in straight pool?
And finally for the third shot we hit the 1 ball full with a stun shot. A hard hit compresses the rail and banks the 10 ball cross corner. If you hit this shot too hard, it double banks. In fact, that may be a better option because the 4 ball acts as a gate to help guide the 10 ball into the pocket.