Send Us Your PoolDawg Action Shots!

If you know us, you know how much we love pictures.  Especially pictures of our customers with stuff they bought from us or pictures with our mascot Frank T. Dawg.  With Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumbler, Snapchat and all the rest of the social sites, everyone's a shutterbug nowadays, so we want to create a place just for our PoolDawgians to submit their shots.

How To Enter:

  1. Buy some stuff at (or if you go to APA Nationals, buy stuff from our booth).
  2. Take a picture (or have someone take a picture) of yourself using the sweet gear you bought from us.
  3. Resize your picture down to a max of about 150k (if you're not a Photoshop person, you can do it at a site like this one). 
  4. Email your picture to us at [email protected].
  5. Include a list of the products you're using in the action shot.

Tips For Creating A Winning Submission:

  • DO take pictures in interesting locations.  We love seeing pictures at pool halls, at events (pro and amateur), at league night, in your home game room, you get the idea.
  • DO be creative with your pictures.  If you want to win, you've got to be memorable.
  • DO send us a caption with your email or some sort of description telling us what's going on.  We've got some pretty smart cookies over here, but we don't always know what's going on in every picture.
  • DO have fun!  No one wants to see a Grumpy Gus.
  • DO NOT send us nekkid or provocative pictures.  Keep it clean kids!
  • DO NOT send us pictures of headless people.  We want to see your happy smiling face!
  • DO NOT send us pictures of product sitting on the floor doing nothing.  We have plenty of those already.
  • DO NOT send us pictures of people who haven't given you permission to photograph them.  

As long as your pictures follow the rules, we'll get you in our Action Shot rotating gallery which can be found in the footer of pretty much every page on the site. 

Follow's board PoolDawg Action Shots on Pinterest.