Satisfaction Header

We want you to be happy with your order. PoolDawg offers a 60-day money back guarantee on any products purchased from PoolDawg, including chalked cues. We want you to be satisfied. No restocking fees, no hassles. If you aren't satisfied with your purchase, just call us toll free at 866-843-3294 and we'll help you arrange for your return. Once we receive your return, we'll replace the item or refund you for the price of the product. There are never any restocking fees at PoolDawg. Please note that the customer is responsible for any shipping fees associated with returning products. 60 day guarantee is effective from the date of purchase.

Satisfaction Shipping
60 Day Satisfaction Test Product
Satisfaction Guarantee Returns

Please Note: Any customizations or alterations to your pool cue (such as engravings and wrap changes) are not refundable.

Satisfaction Upgrade Fees

PoolDawg, at its sole discretion, may void this guarantee if there is evidence of abuse or mishandling.

Satisfaction Void

Please also note: CPO (Clearance) products only have a 7 Day Satisfaction Guarantee after purchase.

Satisfaction CPO Guarantee