Category: Frank T. Dawg

It's been a really quiet year for old Frank T. Dawg. With the retirement of my previous handler and with Samm busy starting up her new pool league, I've been spending a lot more time doing my best Han Solo frozen in carbonite imitation. Thankfully, August is here, which means I'll be hanging out with Keven, Mike, Brent, Dave, Alexis and about 10,000 pool players out in Vegas for a couple weeks. That's right, it's time for APA Nationals! Being a bit of an APA nationals veteran (this is my 6th trip to nationals), I know exactly what I need to bring with me to keep me going through the entire event:

  • Piles of PoolDawg stickers? Check.
  • 6 Cases of PoolDawg chalk to give away? Check.
  • A pallet of pool cues, cases and accessories? Check.
  • Bottle of acetaminophen?  Check.
  • Giant box of Berry flavored 5 hour crack?  Check.
I'm outta here today since it takes the crew two days to set up our booth and front all the product (yes, we'll have a ton of stuff for sale at the booth).  If you're going to nationals, be sure to stop by the PoolDawg booth and say hi to your old pal Frank.