Tom Simpson
In addition to being the founder of the National Billiard Academy, Tom Simpson was an accomplished author and inventor who dedicated the better part of his life to billiards and billiards instruction. In his “Ask The Master” column, Tom partnered with PoolDawg to help get to the bottom of our readers personal billiards mysteries. With over 40 years of playing pool and 20 plus years as an instructor, Tom’s ability to explain his technical understanding of the game was second to none, so be sure to use this amazing resource to improve your pool skills. Tom Simpson was one of the premier pool and billiard instructors in the world. An ACS Top Level 4 Instructor/Coach and one of only 9 PBIA (Professional Billiards Instructor Association) Master Instructors worldwide, Tom directly helped thousands of pool players improve their game in addition to training hundreds of new instructors through his National Billiard Academy. The National Billiard Academy has its home base in Columbus, OH but they also get out on the road for 3-Day Weekend Intensive Clinics offered at excellent pool rooms all over the country. To learn more about the Academy or the Weekend Intensives check out the website National Billiard Academy. Tom passed away in 2016, but his column lives on! If you have any questions you’d like to get answered, please email them to Ask The Master and we’ll make sure they’re answered.