Aug 09, 2010 By PoolDawg Staff 0 Comment(s)

Tip Changes at PoolDawg?

Category: About PoolDawg

One of the great things about summertime in the billiards industry is that it gives us a chance to catch up and make changes to the website.  Over the next couple of months, you'll be seeing a number of changes, some small, others fairly drastic. Later this month, we'll be offering something that our customers have been asking for - tip changes!  We've got the lathe, we've got a guy that knows how to do tip changes and shaft repair, so all we need to do is get the functionality built on the website. [caption id="attachment_663" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The PoolDawg Lathe"]The PoolDawg Lathe[/caption] The way it's going to work is as follows.  When you buy a new cue or shaft on the PoolDawg website, you'll have the option to stick with the standard tip or upgrade.  Moori, Kamui, Tiger, whatever tip you want, if we have it in stock, we'll install it for you.  If you choose to upgrade your tip, it will take a couple of extra days for delivery. Once we have that worked out, we'll also be offering shaft tune ups and tip changes for customer cues.  Customers will ship in their shaft with instructions and we'll get it cleaned up for you.  Look for all this to happen by the end of August. In addition, we're changing how we display our cues.  For years, we've shown our cues with a picture that looks something like this:


This did a nice job showing the work on the forearm, but it was confusing at times for customers.  So, we've decided to straighten it out a bit.  Our new cue thumbnails will look like this:


A small change, but we feel that it does a better job showing the entire butt of the cue.  As always, let us know what you think!