Florian ‘Venom‘ Kohler decided the 11 Guinness World Records he held was not enough so he set out to spend a weekend The League Room in West Virginia where he managed to set 4 new world records. His latest World Records attained include: ‘Most Trick Shots Completed in 48h’, ‘Most Trick Shots in 1h’, ‘Most Trick Shots in 24h’, and ‘Longest Pool Trick Shots Marathon’ Some of Venom's legendary pool friends including Mike Massey…

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Recent Posts

It’s that time of year again for PoolDawg to make our annual pilgrimage to Las Vegas, the Mecca of pool (and fun), for the APA - World Pool Championships! This event is literally THE WORLD’S LARGEST POOL TOURNAMENT, as verified by the Guinness Book of World Records, and our team can’t wait to see everyone out there! The big show kicks off on Thursday, August 9th and runs ten days with the final championship matches concluding on the 18th. If you are attending, be sure to come…

We all live in a fast paced world that just keeps getting faster and faster every day. Technology in particular is accelerating at an insane rate! It’s hard to keep up… That’s why it’s nice to slow things down every now and then to put things into perspective. With that in mind, PoolDawg is very happy to announce our new “Slow Motion Billiards Series,” where we use the latest advancements in camera technology to film pool shots at up to 6,000 frames per…

h {color: #aa182c; font-weight: 300; } We're always looking for new ways to get feedback and to improve our website. Reviews from our customers and fellow billiard enthusiasts are, hands down, the best way for us to do that AND at the same time provide AWESOME information to other players on our thousands of products. Product reviews, whether good or bad, coming from the people who use them are particular helpful to make the decision making process easier for others pool players interested in…

When we heard that Johnny Archer was named as the captain for Team USA at the 2017 Atlantic Challenge Cup, we were so excited! Not only do we carry his Scorpion Cues, but also Johnny is one of our favorite all-time players and he's such a great ambassador for our sport. For those who don't know, the Atlantic Challenge Cup is like the Mosconi Cup for junior players, and Johnny's experience as a 4-time world 9-ball champion and 17-time Mosconi Cup participant makes him perfect for…

Big news everyone! The PoolDawg DawgFather Break Cue is featured in this week’s edition of People Magazine! Television star Mario Lopez, aka Saved by the Bell’s A.C. Slater, decided to include this cue in his 2017 Father’s Day Gift Guide. This magazine is on newsstands now (page 112, right in the middle) so go and snag a copy or check it out on the People Magazine website. It turns out Mario loves billiards, and since pool is often a game that runs in the family…
PoolDawg Blog
As an online billards store carrying over 3,000 pool cues, pool cue cases and billiards accessories, it's no wonder that PoolDawg is the pool player's best friend. Since 2003, PoolDawg has helped tthousands of pool players find just the billiards products they were looking for. As the official store of the American Poolplayer's Association, we are proud to serve players of all levels and expertise. Keep up with our latest news, products, and promotions by following us on Facebook!