Feb 23, 2011 By PoolDawg Staff 0 Comment(s)

Nordic Precipititis

Category: About PoolDawg

This week we're running a little light since Keven has decided to take some much deserved (I suppose) vacation time. Every year, Kev leaves the rest of us high and dry to deal with a common winter ailment here in Colorado - Nordic Precipititis.  He and a bunch of his friends all head off to the mountains and do some serious back country boarding, snowshoeing and snowmobiling.  It looks a little something like this:

Every year I try and get him to take Frank along, but the best he can do is bring a PoolDawg patch.  I'd say that I'm jealous, but personally, I'd much rather stay in a place up in the mountains where the amenities include plumbing and electricity.  I can't help it - I'm just too much of a city boy at heart.

Anyway, for those of you jonesing for Keven's guidance on billiard supplies, you'll just have to wait until next week (although Alexis, Ashleigh and I are more than willing and able to help in his absence).