In our last article we looked at the benefits of getting closer to the next shot. In this article I'd like to look at the key principle we can use to get closer to our next shot.
Let's look at this diagram and the two balls on the table. We would like to pocket the 8 and get position on the nine for an easy shot. What is the best approach?
Please notice the triangle lines coming out of the 9. This defines the line of the shot, and any cue ball coming in to this triangle the long way has a big margin of error for speed control. In fact, even if you over hit the shot and accidentally hit the 9, you have a decent chance for a shot.
This idea of coming down the line is key to getting close to The next shot. Let's look at a common problem that is easy to misplay.
The dotted line shows the hard way! Our cue ball has a long way to travel and is crossing the line of the shot. The solid track line, which we get by pulling the cue ball into the corner, has us coming down the line of the shot. Our margin for error in speed control has increased significantly. Getting a better shot on the next ball increases our pocketing percentage.
Let's look at one last example of this idea.
The solid line shows the track that most players play. Using a vertical axis cue ball just below the horizontal pulls the cue ball closer to the corner and gives us a track line closer to the next shot.
Now some of you might be saying that we aren't coming down the line of the shot, but in this case our margin of error increases because of the long rail. We can be two diamonds off in speed and still have a good shot.
Planning to come down the line of the shot gives you more room for error and allows you to let your stroke out a bit, getting closer to the next shot.
Good luck and see you on the road.