Category: Frank T. Dawg,Frank’s Friends

It isn't often that I get to meet another mascot, let alone a mascot who loves pool as much as I do.  Toward the end of the Super Billiards Expo, I got to meet none other than Critter, the well traveled road partner of the world famous OMGWTF (if you haven't read her blog, you've got to check it out at We were chillin' in the Mezz booth (which by the way was the place to be at the Expo) and all the sudden who should walk in the booth but the past, present and future of trick shots in Mike Massey and Florian "Venom" Kohler.  Since Critter is a wee bit smaller than me, I decided to give him a leg up so he could watch the show. Needless to say, Venom and Massey put on quite a show, doing some classic tricks as well as some of the crazy stuff from Venom's new DVD.  Hopefully I'll get another chance to hang out with Critter in May when I head out to Las Vegas for BCA Nationals.