It’s that time of year again for PoolDawg to make our annual pilgrimage to Las Vegas, the Mecca of pool (and fun), for the APA - World Pool Championships! This event is literally THE WORLD’S LARGEST POOL TOURNAMENT, as verified by the Guinness Book of World Records, and our team can’t wait to see everyone out there!

The big show kicks off on Thursday, August 9th and runs ten days with the final championship matches concluding on the 18th. If you are attending, be sure to come find us at our booth just outside the “PoolDawg Championship Arena” (23-24). You can count on us to bring basically the entire shop along for the ride. You’ll find hundreds of cues, cue cases, and a giant wall filled with pool gloves, tip tools, and accessories!
We LOVE this opportunity to meet face-to-face with the APA members. It’s always a blast to talk pool, make new friends, show off the latest and greatest products, and hand out our FREE PoolDawg Master Chalk and stickers! In addition, if you’re stocking up on supplies, we’ll have some extra free gifts to throw in for you to sweeten the deal!
PoolDawg has been attending this tournament for 15 years and has been one of the main sponsors of the APA Tournaments for the past decade. Our Dawg staff takes pool seriously, but we also like to have fun, and this tournament encompasses those values unlike any other event. The quality of play and comradery between teams and opponents is truly special and amazing to witness.
Here are some more interesting facts about the APA World Pool Championships:
- $1,277,270 in total payout
- 13,643 Participants
- 48 states, 3 countries
- 2,361 teams
- 985 Mini-Mania events
- 324 tables with the top-of-the-line tournament equipment; including Valley Cougar Cue Balls, Aramith Premier Billiard Balls, Mercury Ultra Pool Table Felt on 7’ Valley Cougar ’93 Tables… oh yeah and PoolDawg Table Spots! The APA only plays with the best.
Follow Along via Social Media and Watch the Live Stream!
Be sure to check back in with us on our adventure through social media by following us on Facebook and Instagram.

You can also follow the action by tuning into the live stream videos of the championship matches, brought to you by the APA and PoolDawg! With the amount of prizes and money on the line, these are some seriously intense and exciting matches to watch!
Here is the schedule of events! You can watch the live streams by following this link: