One of the hardest shots for a lot of players is really thin cut shots. Usually they are longer shots and close to a rail. The perspective doesn't give you anything definite to focus on the object ball.
We all tend to look at the object ball and hit these shots way too thick and bang the ball into the rail. Here is a way that will help you cut the paint off balls.
First let's understand a bit about how our eyes work. Our wired hand eye coordination works by getting us to hit exactly what we are looking at. We are very good at this instinctively. The problem though with thin cut shots is that if we hit the object ball, it is most likely too thick and we will miss!
So, how do we overcome this tendency to hit what we are looking at and make these really thin cut shots?
One is my old timer way of describing it, and the other is from Shawn Putnam, one of the best players in the country.
What the old timers would tell me was to look at the hole, and don't look at the object ball. What they were saying is to keep my focus off the object ball and instead on the place where I want the cue ball to go. This is like looking only at the ghost ball position and not at any spot on the object ball.
The way Shawn Putnam explains it is a little different, but means the same thing. What Shawn says is to look at a spot on the table where you want the center of the cueball to roll over, and keep your eyes focused on that spot! Then roll the cue ball over that spot and let the cue ball do the work.
Either way you describe it, what you are doing is focusing where you want the cue ball to go and delivering the best stroke you have.
Please keep in mind that you might completely miss the object ball for the first few tries, but realize you are actually closer to making the shot than if you hit the ball.
Here is a good progressive practice drill to work on these thin cut shots. Make sure you work on them both to the left and the right.
Good luck with these shots!
See you on the road.