May 05, 2014 By Mike Feiman 0 Comment(s)

We’re Giving Away $100 Every Monday for May 2014!



For some time now, we've been running a $100 monthly Dawg Dough giveaway.  Well, since we just got our new site up and running, this month (May 2014), we're giving away $100 in Dawg Dough every Monday!

Also, we've changed the way we run the contest.  In the past, you'd have to fill out a separate form.  Now, all you need to do is register for a free account.  Here's what you need to know:

  • If you already have an account, then you're already in.  
  • If you aren't sure if you have an account, go to the login page and try and retreive your password.  If you have an account, the site will email you your password.
  • If you don't have an account, just head over to our Create A New Account page and fill in the form.

If you win, you'll get an email with the gift certificate and gift code.  We'll also announce it on Facebook, so be sure to follow us there as well.

Good luck and congrats to our May 5th winner Tyler Beasley!