PoolDawg UPDATE from the World Pool Championships
Category: APA, About PoolDawg, Frank T. Dawg, Trade Shows
We’ve been having an AMAZING time at the APA World Pool Championships so far! Here’s what we’ve been up to from setting up the booth to getting down on the Las Vegas strip. There are still a few days left but you can check out the pictures from our adventure so far in this post!

As we arrived at the Westgate Hotel for the World Pool Championships, it was quiet; like the calm before the storm. We could feel the excitement start to rise as hundreds of pool tables were set up and we put our booth together. We made it!

The Mini Mania room was bare and ready for its pool tables and pool players.

The booth set up took a lot of sweat and work, but the Dawgs had to make it look perfect for the incoming APA players.

Just like that, the tournament room was coming together!

It’s amazing the amount of work that goes into setting up this world-famous tournament; all for the love of billiards!

The PoolDawg booth started to come together as well as accessories and cases were assembled and pool cues were organized!

The PoolDawg Championship Arena was also on its way. The banner was lifted and it was all becoming real.

After hours of hard work, the PoolDawg booth was ready to go!

PoolDawg was officially ready to welcome all the poolplayers of the APA!

Hundreds of pool players have come by and seen us every day. We’ve had a blast so far talking pool, answering questions, and showing off all of the products. But when we close up shop, the Dawgs still make time for play!

The staff ate at Tacos El Gordo the first night (highly recommended).

We walked, talked, and joked around, but the best part was the authentic Mexican food. It doesn’t get any better than that!

On the second night, a few of the Dawgs visited the Vegas Strip. It’s awesome to see it lit up and in action! It’s true what they say: Vegas really doesn’t sleep! (Not pictured: a couple of PoolDawg employees posing with Chippendale Dancers)

On Friday the 10th, Florian “Venom” Kohler stopped by to play some games, show some tricks, and take on some challengers. He had some tough competitors challenge him, but Venom isn’t easy to beat!

Frank was eyeing Florian the whole time, trying to throw him off his game.

Thank you to Venom and Venomette for coming by to see us, Frank, and all of your fans!

The action in Vegas continues. So far, we’ve watched the Chicks Ahoy win the Ladies 8-Ball Championships against Manny’s Angels on Sunday, August 12th. It was a head-to-head match, but Chicks Ahoy came out on top winning the first match 3-0 and the second 2-1! On Monday, August 13th, the Anigons of Osaka, Japan beat out the Racks On The Rocks of Peoria, Illinois in the 9-Ball World Championship finals. A record of 500 teams competed in this year’s 9-Ball World Championship… wow!

And yesterday, Tuesday, August 14th, the Q-Bert 222 took home the first-ever title of Team Captains Champions, with the Mizfits coming in second. Again, this was a very close match and all rounds have been thoroughly entertaining to watch!
Here is the rest of the schedule for the week. Remember, you can watch all of these events LIVE by following this link: https://poolplayers.com/live/.

The PoolDawg booth is still set up and will be open for business through Friday night! Come stop by at booth #23-25, we’d love to see you.
In our adventures in Vegas so far, we've worked, had fun, hung out at the PoolAPAlooza, weathered through a desert sandstorm, and celebrated Frank's birthday. The Dawgs can't wait to see what else is in store!
Thank you to all of the APA players and staff for your hard work in making this all happen. It couldn't be done without you!