Mar 15, 2011 By PoolDawg Staff 0 Comment(s)

The Dangers of Being Alexis

Category: About PoolDawg

As many of you who have called us over the past week have noticed, our resident Queen of Customer Service Alexis manged to get herself put on the 15 day disabled list.  Since we're located in beautiful Colorado, some of the folks here in the office like to go up to the mountains for some snowboarding. Well, snowboarding does come with some risks and catching an edge is never a good thing.  As you might guess by the tone of this post, the day did not go well for Alexis. Granted, she didn't go down like this guy, but it was still pretty bad. Long story short, Alexis caught an edge and landed on her shoulder which now looks like this:

Basically, her shoulder ballooned to about 3 times its normal size, which isn't surprising sine she managed to break it.  So, Alexis will be heading back to the hospital on Wednesday to have some surgery.  We're hoping she'll be back in the office with us next week.

When she does get back, be patient with her, as she'll be typing with one hand, although she might be able to use her right had T-Rex style if she positions herself right at her desk.