Sep 14, 2011 By PoolDawg Staff 0 Comment(s)

Printing the Night Away

Category: PoolDawg Catalog

Come on, let's print again, like we did last summer Let's print again, like we did last year Do you remember when machines were hummin' Yeah let's print again, printin' time is here! Press checks make me a bit loopy, since for the most part they're all about sitting in a tiny room and waiting for someone to get you, so you'll have to excuse the ode to Chubby Checker.  Once again, we're here at Publication Printers, making sure all the colors are right (which is really what press checks are all about).  Because I have no idea what I'm doing, I always bring our graphic designer along with us to explain what it means when they ask if we should add a little more yellow or pull out a little more red. It all starts with the waiting game.  We get told by our rep that we'll be on the press Wednesday.  Then we wait for the call to let us know approximately what time they'll start printing.  This time around, our time slot is 1:45PM. Once we get the word, we head down say hello to our rep and prepare to camp.  Because we print a 60 page catalog, it has to be done in chunks.  Three chunks to be exact.  So, we park it in the customer lounge where we can either do work on our respective laptops or watch Pete's Dragon or Trading Places on VHS (ok, they have DirecTV too, but how funny is it to see VHS connected to a tube TV??). After hanging out for a while, we get the call that our first batch is ready for review.  We head over to the review station and that's where the color negotiations begin. See, the way it works is that if you add or remove color to make one page look better, it impacts all the rest of the pages on the sheet.  We print 16 pages at a time, so when we make a color change to correct one page, we have to make sure it doesn't disrupt the look of the other 15 pages.  After we finish our color negotiations and sign off on the print, it's back to the waiting room. Assuming nothing goes wrong, the whole process should take about 4-6 hours, which means with any luck we'll be done by 6-7PM.  Oh, and the catalog will be mailing in October.  If you aren't on our mailing list (meaning you've never ordered from us before or requested a catalog before), head over to the catalog request page so you can get signed up for one.