Jan 20, 2012 By PoolDawg Staff 0 Comment(s)

The PoolDawg Bunch

Category: About PoolDawg

This past week, the APA American Poolplayer magazine came out.  If you get the magazine, you might have seen this on the back cover:

This of course begs the question, why would the folks at PoolDawg endure the humiliation of dressing up 70s style and putting themselves on display for literally hundreds of thousands of people?  Well, part of it is that I (the creepy looking guy wearing a wig in the lower left corner) have a sense of humor that's a bit twisted, but the real reason is simply because we figured our customers would get a kick out of it.

Sometimes the web can be a little cold and sterile, so anytime we can inject a little personality and life into it, we do.  Plus, we're still a small company and if you call us during business hours, you're going to reach one of the four people in the ad.  It's always nice to be able to put a face to the voice, even if that face is all Brady Bunch'd out.