Mar 14, 2012 By PoolDawg Staff 0 Comment(s)

Cell Phone Shenanigans

Category: About PoolDawg

Is it even right to call these things cell phones anymore?  I'm old and not "with it" so I don't know if the kids today are calling it a cell phone, a mobile phone or a smart phone, but I still call them cell phones. To the point though, here at PoolDawg, leaving your phone unattended is never a good idea.  Last week Keven got himself a sporty new Samsung Galaxy.  Not only did this upgrade him to the nicest phone in the office, but it simultaneously downgraded me to having the crappiest phone in the office (I went with the free phone that came with my plan). There was quite a bit of crowing going on, so when Keven left his phone unattended, Alexis and Mariya decided to test some of the phone's functions, specifically the camera function.

I'm guessing this was a response to Keven swiping Alexis' phone and leaving this as her background image:


Fortunately, my phone is too old and crappy to get any retaliation for putting this on her phone:


Even Frank decided to get in on the fun, although his picture was extremely inappropriate:


Which then resulted in him being put in the Cone of Shame:


Yes, we do like to keep it light here at PoolDawg's Worldwide Headquarters.  Really though, would you expect anything else from a company that runs around taking pictures with a ceramic bulldog?