Category: Trade Shows

I swear, sometimes it feels like Vegas is our second home. Between Keven and myself, we've spent the equivalent of about 6 weeks of our lives in Sin City. This trip however is the first of the year where we're both going for something other than pool. It's time for Pubcon. Now before anyone gets too excited, Pubcon doesn't have anything to do with the bar and pub business. Think Comic-Con, except instead of comic books and superheros, it's online marketing geeks talking about how to get more people to come to their respective websites.  Instead of stalking Kevin Smith, Joss Whedon and John Favreau, the attendees hang on every word of this guy:

Normally, this is something I go to alone, but this year I'm taking Keven to raise my personal cool factor. Since he's young and hip while I'm old and bald, I figure he'll be able to get us past the velvet rope for some of the swank Pubcon parties. Some in the office have referred to this annual trek as a boondoggle, but I don't really think that's fair. A boondoggle is generally defined as "a wasteful or impracticable project or activity" and this is anything but. Sure, there will be some after hours networking opportunities and it is Vegas, but we'll be solely focused on the learning and stuff.  I swear. So, while we're gone next week, please be kind to Alexis and Mariya, as the office will be a bit short staffed.